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Employee of the Month

Bean Lewis


We have snow! Thanks for Bean are in order as she continued to prioritize her duties as Quality Assurance Manager, while also showing our junior employee the best ways to take advantage of the winter weather in Colorado. Bean is our employee of the month for November for her demonstrated commitment to ensuring our employees utilize their well-deserved breaks. Congrats, Bean!

Employee of the Month
JULY 2022

Bean and Brew Lewis


Bean and Brew both helped clear out the garage this month and took their supervisory roles very seriously. There's tons of room now for running around, but more importantly there's space for some new projects. Stay tuned to see what's to come.  Congrats to both pups this month!

Employee of the Month
APRIL 2022

Bean Lewis


Yes, we did have to pick one employee over the other. Bean has really stepped up into her role here in the office. She has shown our newest employee, Brew, the ropes: napping properly, inspecting 3D prints when they finish, and providing a chance for head scratches during opportune times in the work day. Brew is catching on, but he has a ways to go before he overtakes Bean as our most outstanding employee. Congrats, Bean!



Employee of the Month
MAY 2022

Bean and Brew Lewis


It was impossible to pick one employee over the other this month…especially because these two are virtually inseparable. Bean and Brew share everything from toys to prime nap locations, and they take the notion of invading every inch of your personal space very seriously. Our office is a better place with their constant examples of what it means to work as a team. Congrats, Bean and Brew!  



brew sleeping.jpg
Employee of the Month
JUNE 2022

Bean Lewis


Sorry, Brew..Only employees that stay awake on the job are eligible for Employee of the Month. Thanks for staying on task, Bean!



Employee of the Month

Bean Lewis


BDSS officially has another work station! The cord control is almost complete, but the puppy control leaves a bit to be desired. Bean takes the title this month for her close oversight of this new setup. Congrats again, Bean!

Employee of the Month

Brew Lewis


September has been Brew's month to shine! As the newest employee of BDSS, his energy and enthusiasm are hard to beat. It's rare that he takes a moment to slow down, but he's finally starting to settle in around the office and get in the swing of things. He hasn't gotten his own pillows just yet -- that honor is reserved for Bean -- but he's on track to be a stellar member of the team. Congrats, Brew!

Employee of the Month

Brew Lewis


Brew has done it again! Congrats to our newly appointed Shipping and Delivery Manager for being named the October employee of the month. We've had lots of packages come in this month -- many of which include new equipment that increase our capabilities. It's been imperative to have an employee that stays on task and is able to focus. Thanks, Brew

Employee of the Month
MARCH 2022

Bean Lewis and welcome to Brew Lewis


​Let the sibling rivalry begin! Give a warm welcome to Blue Dog Seventy Six’s newest team member, Brew. The furry employees now outnumber the human one, but Brew has made himself right at home and naps extra hard under the desk. We’re so fortunate to have these best buds on the Blue Dog team!  



Employee of the Month

Bean Lewis


Bean has done it again! There’s nothing like a smiley pup to make shorter February days a little bit brighter. Thanks, Bean for all you do to keep up office morale!

Employee of the Month

Bean Lewis


Well, what can we say?! Bean Lewis demonstrated her amazing work ethic once again and got right back to work after the holidays. Her days have become a little busier as Januarys in Colorado tend to include a daily obligation of playing in the snow. Even with these added responsibilities, she’s shown that she truly is a model employee, and she never fails to complete her work with a big smile on her face.


This month has included new opportunities for Blue Dog Seventy Six that we’re excited to share with you. Be sure to stop back next month to learn more about our growing company.

Employee of the Month

Bean Lewis


To no one's surprise, Bean is our employee of the month again. Holidays are coming and Bean has been working extra hard to keep spirits up while also guarding the presents under the tree. We know Bean is on the Nice List this year thanks to her happy personality and abundance of snuggles to give out.


Bean, and everyone at Blue Dog Seventy Six, would like to wish everyone happy holidays and Merry Christmas!



Employee of the Month
November, 2021

Bean Lewis


Two months in a row! What can't this wonderful team member do? Bean still makes sure to keep productivity up in the office, but also provides generous opportunities for head scratches when the other employees need a quick break. Whenever the other employees are called out of the home office, Bean quickly picks up the slack making sure that no seat cousins are left cold for too long and maintains an excellent repour with the delivery people that stop by. This furry member of our team loves to keep everyone smiling throughout the day. Thank you, Bean, for all that you do!

Employee of the Month
October, 2021

Bean Lewis


This month's honoree is none other than the mascot herself. Part of where company's namesake, this happy Blue Merle Australian Shepherd put in some work as business started up. From herding boxes inside as office supplies showed up to keeping couch cushions warm while work was being done, this dog did it all. Always happy to check in with everyone in the office throughout the day to make sure they have their hearts content of fluffy pets, she is a real team player. Thank you, Bean, for all you do for our company!

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